Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Flakin’ Fish!

No, it’s not a new expletive, but it might soon become one in my personal lexicon. Here’s why: I had a tin of fish (Alaskan Salmon, for the curious) which I decided to flake for kedgeree – that grand old AI staple which allows all and sundry to be thrown into the pot. So there I was, delicately flaking the fish when the doorbell went ding-a-ling. I rinsed off my fingers, dabbed them dry and responded. It was a tradesperson for the neighbours. I duly directed him and returned to my flaking. Hardly a few minutes into the exercise, the phone rang. Again, rinsed the fingers, dabbed them dry and answered the call of the bell. It was a long lost friend catching up after a hiatus of a couple of years. Chatted a bit and returned to the fish. Doorbell ding-a-linged again. Courier delivering a packet. Accepted and signed for. Returned to fish. Telephone rang. Followed by doorbell. Followed by telephone. All in quick succession. Only halfway through tin. Now, don’t get me wrong. We do have our fair share of doorbells and telephone calls, but this day it was a relentless onslaught quite out of the common; must definitely have been to do with the fish and its flaking. Well the kedgeree did get made and turned out quite well – probably due to the muttered imprecations (did spells over the cauldron originate this way?). So now you know why ‘Flakin’ Fish’ makes a close second to ‘Holy smoke’!

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