Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Angels Among Us

I have a friend and colleague who always signs off with ‘God Bless your day, … your weekend …. your corrections (or whatever the current task). Her blessings are specific to the moment and the occasion and always leave me with a cozy feeling wrapped around my heart.

Then, there is the friend who painstakingly sorts through all the forwards and sends on the most inspirational, informative and entertaining. I look forward to my inbox every day without the dread of having to go delete, delete, delete.

This got me thinking about the sometimes unexpected and wholly enjoyable occurrences in our lives. A while ago, I set out to crochet for a Christmas themed fundraiser and set my heart on making angels. Holding on to a mind’s eye view of a host of crocheted angels on a festooned tree, I searched for patterns that would be quick, easy and yet out of the ordinary. Every pattern I found and liked was priced out of reach (this was in the time before free patterns on the Net!). So, I sent a letter to the editor of a craft magazine, stating my need. A couple of months later, my mailbox (the metal one nailed to wall at the entrance of our building) was stuffed to overflowing with bulging A4 Manila envelopes. As I opened each one, out spilled pattern upon pattern accompanied by letters containing friendly encouragement. Angels who sent angels!!

Over the years, I have used those patterns with joy and in gratitude.

Sometimes, the brush with an angel is so fleeting, so gentle, that you may miss the moment. So, if during your day you enjoy an unexpected encounter, accompanied by a lift in spirit, know that you have been visited by one.

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