Tuesday, April 20, 2010


One of the assignments that I set for my ‘students’ is the writing of a poem: anything from a limerick to blank verse. And I am amazed at the disgruntled groans that arise. An inveterate scribbler from as far back as I can remember, I loved the English Language curriculum that demanded that we state our thoughts in metered rhyme. The ability to ‘doggerel’ at the drop of a hat was much appreciated and the habit has remained to this day as a handy tool for ‘Dear Diary’ entries. There’s so much fun in exploding into verse (or worse!). So, here’s my offering for today:

Do you ever

Wonder why

Amoeba are small,

And mountains are high?

Why dogs bark,

And cats meow,

And do what they do

Never asking “how”?

Why owls can see

On the darkest night;

And the upside-down bat

Loves moonlight?

Why plants still push

Through frost and snow;

And the trees in the forest

Lofty grow?

Only humans ‘think’

And question “Why?”

Worry and fret

Over how to get by.

The moral of this verse

Is plain to see

As the nose on your face,

Or the leaves on the tree.

God is Our Father

Trust in Him.

He created for Love

And not on a whim.

So question not

Or wonder ‘why’;

With God on our side

We’ll surely get by!

And, with that lift to my spirit, I shall leave you to get on with the day.

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