Friday, February 27, 2015


Sometimes, I am asked to work on the text of a prayer and one such assignment came my way recently.  Formulaic prayers are not really my forte, so I looked up the books and put the words together in the traditional way.  But we also cater to the now generation and I had to contemporize!  I struggled and how.  Personally, I am spontaneous in my communication and after I encountered ‘Hey God! This is Anna’, I never looked back. That was the way I would always get in touch with my Maker. And the connection is unbroken (unlike that of my network supplier!)
The present exercise made me take a look at the oldest prayer, the Our Father. How would it sound in the modern idiom? Something like this????

Hey God, somewhere up there in the Universe, our lips are blessed each time we say your name. We’d like to see heaven happen down here too in real time, right now. You can do it. Yes you can. And while you’re about it, we’d like some food – the real thing (you know, like Coke, Pizza and Big Mac) and when we’ve been real bad, just take care of that, huh?  Please? As for those who’ve been mean to us, we’ll try doing things your way (the operative word being ‘try’!). And when the bad guy tries to grab attention, just take him out, okay? Thanks for the time!

I tried sms and twitterspeak versions and am in danger of suffering serious brainfreeze.

Nah! It does not have the same feel and resonance. Some things are best left unchanged. 

Old is indeed gold. The original article is the genuine thing. 

And we have God to thank for that!


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