Sunday, October 17, 2010

My nephew who blogs

Technically speaking he is my husband’s nephew since he is his sister’s son. In India, however, anyone who has the advantage of ten years or more becomes a complimentary uncle or aunt anyway. So there!

The blog which is now in print has made news and how. The language is strongly flavoured, redolent of the precinct and the patois – a sort of sorpotel/vindaloo meets prawn balchow meets custard pudding, all washed down with kokum sherbet. There is a pungency in the message and a sweetness in the memory which allows the encounter to linger satisfyingly – like a cordon bleu banquet - long after bidding the blog adieu. The analogy to food is deliberate – EIs excel in this department and the ability to provide a good meal is more often than not the yardstick for prowess!

There is no doubt that he is a denizen of Bandra, but that he has chosen that peculiarly AI epithet ‘bugger’ tickles me no end. Whatever his reason, this is one bugger that has done Bandra real proud. And to know so for yourself, do log on to:

Bon Appetit!

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