Saturday, October 9, 2010


Blogging is hard work!

Sometimes you have an idea, but it doesn’t always pan out. When you sit at the keyboard, the words just refuse to flow. At other times, thoughts unbidden just pour forth and the fingers are hard-pressed to keep pace.

Take last Sunday, for instance. I had noticed an advertisement adjuring students to avoid ragging and to report incidents, if any, in order to nip the practice in the bud. I thought back to my own student days and remembrances of being ragged and decided to blog about it. But much though I had to say, the words remained locked inside.

And then, I found myself smiling to myself over the cat and mouse incident and humming to the CD playing a much loved track. Before I knew it, the words found themselves on the page and my blog was done.

Not all writing is that effortless. I often go through the piece and agonise over whether the readers will get the same picture that I have visualized in my mind’s eye and am trying to share - whether the words are apt, whether the piece is too long or too short, whether the language is too dated (though that is almost a given, given the years to my credit and my preferred reading!), whether I have been able to infuse a little bit of humour (the leaven in our daily loaf!) and whether the reader will be pleased to read.

This puts me in mind of a quotation from my collection : I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living; it’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope…. and that enables you to laugh at life’s realities – Theodore Geisel

Ragging is one of life’s realities and, unfortunately, there is very little laughable about it. Hopefully, I will soon be able to share my thoughts and stir up some positive vibes.

In the meantime, my present thoughts are happy ones and so this is my offering for the day.

Why 99%? Because anything worth doing usually requires 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration though, in this October heat, it sometimes seems like one hundred percent sweat even when doing nothing!!

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