Sunday, January 15, 2012

Zapped by the Mass

The first Mass on Sundays is usually a sleepy affair. Very early morning, a sparse congregation and an accommodating celebrant make this possible.

Today, the Priest was young and energetic. He took us through the prayers so clearly and briskly that we had to wake up to keep up! He also threw in a sermon that was a perfect kiss – he kept it interesting, short and sweet. The experience spun me a bit out of kilter and my first thought was ‘Why is Father on horseback?’ but the outcome was a feeling of exhilaration: I was zapped by the unaccustomed freshness and a homily that I could take home in my heart.

When I once questioned the very brief sermons he used to deliver, a wise old priest told me that the ‘sermon’ was already there in the Gospel. Where, then, was the need for a long-winded discourse? Today’s homily jogged that statement out of hibernation: read the ‘Good Book’, hear the message, heed the instructions, ‘come and see’, bear witness. A simple formula for daily Christian living!

My first reaction was that this celebration would have been more appropriate for the youth who look for relevance in the Sunday obligation. Then I thought again. Perhaps we were meant to be roused to the ‘youthfulness’ that makes one eager to face the day. For once, I was not anxious to rush home and keep that appointment with a hot cup of tea. I just had to pass on the experience.

So, as we step out of Christmas and a little further into the New Year, I share this message with which we were sent forth: May you feel alive as never before and may your energy be contagious – share the Word, live the Word and God go with you.

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