Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Falling in love again…

At first glance he seemed large and lugubrious. Even a bit ungainly. But there was something about him that captivated me and I asked for an introduction. He was very polite and stepped forward to take my hand, but his response was disinterested, almost dismissive. I was piqued. I am usually well received and most are happy to make my acquaintance. I may not be outgoing but neither am I unfriendly. And, in this case, I put on my best smile and offered an enthusiastic ‘hello, so pleased to meet you.’

I volunteered some small talk, but there was none forthcoming in return – just a glance to concede his awareness of my presence and my voice. He is young; not yet old enough for the taciturnity he projects. So how could I make him notice me, pay me more attention?

I began to look out for him so as to make it seem as if I had bumped into him just by chance. At every opportunity, I offered a warm smile and an even warmer ‘hello’. All I received was a perfunctory glance in return. Sometimes, there seemed to be a glimmer of something more. Perhaps an attempt to take the conversation beyond the initial overtures, but that was all it was. He would shuffle a little closer, rearrange his features, give the impression that he was clearing his throat and then, nothing. He would relapse into a personal reverie.

What were his interests? How did he pass his time? Perhaps if I could get a handle on these, I would be able to excite his attention. He was definitely not shy. One time I touched him, letting my hand linger just a fraction longer than necessary and he did not withdraw. But neither did he react. Indifference? To me? Surely not!

It has been a very long time since I lost my heart so thoroughly and I am not one to give up easily. A visit to his home might constitute an invasion of privacy, so I dropped in at the workplace instead. Once again, he was very polite and rose to receive me, but it was his colleagues who were happy to converse with me while he returned to his seat and an inner world. Contemplation seems to be his forte.

His colleagues love him too. They do not find him as remote as I do, and prefer to term him placid and easy-going. They are made happy just by his presence. I am not so easily satisfied. I find out what he likes best and take my leave. On my next visit, I bring him a gift. He accepts it willingly, takes it to his place where he examines it more thoroughly, giving it all his attention. He follows this up by a thoughtful glance in my direction. Hopefully, I have found a chink in his armour and the next time he will be a little more welcoming, a little more interactive. With time, I will be able to make him like me at least a little. I will have to be satisfied with only 'a little', for I know that he belongs to another and I could never make him completely mine.

A two-year old Golden Labrador should not be all that difficult to woo!

1 comment:

  1. i love all your posts, but this one was just...amazing! :)
