Thursday, July 10, 2014


The boss enjoyed an annual holiday on far distant shores and messaged the question that is music to all ears, ‘What’s on your shopping list?’ All I asked for was a pair of boxing gloves and a voodoo doll. Simple, innocuous and definitely not hard to get.
When the boss returned, duly possessed of all the goody bags, we swooped and opened amid oohs and aahs.  Yes, I got my boxing gloves even though they’re ‘miniature’ reminders of this year’s FIFA Cup and will never cause anyone damage (they are also my one and only football souvenir!). Instead of the voodoo doll, I got a monkey and I’m still figuring out who qualifies. The ‘eager beaver Mountie’ key-chain is definitely me and has been immediately put to use. But of all the items out of a bagful the one that touched me most was the unasked for crochet book.  That a big, burly, rugged outdoor person went to the trouble of searching in bookshops for something as delicate as crochet says something of the man! Now, I wonder whether I should present him with the first fruits of my labour – the prettiest, laciest doily in the book??!!

It is only when we receive that we realise the delight that gifts bring with them, because every gift contains a little bit of the giver – a reminder of associations, the creation of memories and a smile banked for the future.

For all of my gifts – requested and unasked – THANK YOU!